Springwell School


Pastoral Team

Our Pastoral Team is made up of two smaller teams who, combined, have overall responsibility for the welfare of all ​273 of our pupils and every member of our staff. They are also responsible for safeguarding and pupil attendance.  

The specific role of our Pastoral Team is to: 

  • support the medical needs of all our pupils and staff 
  • support the emotional wellbeing of pupils and staff 
  • support referrals to outside agencies such as CAHMS and Jigsaw    
  • provide feeding support for those pupils in need   
  • ensure manual handling procedures for all pupils are risk assessed and are maintained and adhered to appropriately  
  • act as a point of contact for parents seeking further support, information ​and guidance around special educational needs and disabilities
  • work closely with all class teams to ensure provision meets a range of complex learning difficulties including associated disabilities such as autism, speech and language disorders and challenging behaviour 
  • liaise with outside agencies such as Health and Children’s Services 

The specific role of our Safeguarding and Attendance Team is to:

  • follow and ensure safeguarding process and procedures are adhered to by all staff throughout the school 
  • contribute to Safeguarding training for all staff 
  • work closely with all class teams to ensure any safeguarding concerns are managed appropriately 
  • follow and ensure pupil attendance process and procedures are adhered to 
  • work closely and collaboratively with parents to support good school attendance for all pupils  
  • liaise with outside agencies such as Children’s Services and Educational Welfare, attending relevant meetings, where invited. 

With our increased number of pupils on role and our high number of staff, please note that, whilst we continue to support the medical and emotional needs of all our pupils and staff, there will inevitably be times where specific support required extends beyond our capability and expertise. In this case, we will advise parents and carers to seek advice from an appropriate, alternative professional such as a GP, Educational Psychologist or Paediatrician.

 School Dinners

Pupils meals are cooked on site to order: pupils choose their lunch at the start of the day.

Menus are sent home termly and are on a weekly rota basis. 

The price from September 24 is £2.90 per day. 

Pupils in Years R, 1 and 2 are entitled to a free school dinner.

Free School Meal Application

Food Allergy and Intolerance Guidance

City Catering can provide a specially adjusted menu for pupils with medical allergies, who want to have a school meal. Please note that these special diets are for pupils with a medical issue only, therefore medical evidence of the allergy will be required before a menu can be adjusted.

If your child requires an adjusted menu, please complete a Food Allergy Referral Form which can be found below at the link below, or from the school office, so that you can register with City Catering and ensure the school is aware of the allergy. 

Once the form has been completed please send it to City Catering at the address at the bottom of the page, or scan the form and email it, so that the menu can be adjusted appropriately. City Catering will respond to the request within three working days. 

If required, an appointment will be made between yourself and a City Catering representative to discuss any concerns. 

Address: City Catering, Southampton City Council, Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LP

 Email: city.catering@southampton.gov.uk


Allergen Referral Form 

Special diets portal 

Magic Breakfast

Springwell is proud to be in partnership with Magic Breakfast, providing healthy breakfasts to our pupils so that they are settled and ready to learn.

Magic Breakfast provides Springwell with nutritious breakfast food to ensure children start their school day in the best possible way. Breakfast gives children the energy needed for the busy school morning, enabling them to focus on their lessons.

Here at Springwell we are committed to ensuring no child is too hungry to learn.

Magic Breakfast at Springwell is free for all - Please contact the school office to find out more.