Who's who
Senior Leadership Team
Senior Leadership Team (ID 1357)
Lisa NeedhamCo-Headteacher (DSL)
Lisa Needham
Maria BurrowsCo-Headteacher (DSL)
Maria Burrows
Sian CookDeputy Headteacher (Lead DSL)
Sian Cook
Clare BelliHead of Southampton Inclusion Partnership (DSL)
Clare Belli
David Scott-BateyHead of Business and Operations (DSL)
David Scott-Batey
Assistant Headteacher Team
Assistant Headteacher Team (ID 1358)
Clare KnightEYFS
Clare Knight
Tammy GlairePhase 2
Tammy Glaire
Jo HughesPhase 2
Jo Hughes
Rowena LowePhase 3
Rowena Lowe
Claire McErleanPhase 4
Claire McErlean
Harriet RowlandSatellite Provisions, Assessment and Curriculum
Harriet Rowland
Pastoral Team:
Tiffany Stevens (DSL) - Safeguarding/Attendance Lead
Theressa Wheelhouse - Medical Lead (Maternity)
Ruth Thomas - Attendance Officer
Lisa Thoroughgood - Pastoral Officer
HR Team:
Louise Pearce - HR Advisor
Rachel Ambrey - Lead
Becki White - Officer
Becky Reynolds - Officer
Cover Co-ordinator:
Charlotte Taylor-Horlock
Office & Reception Team:
Louise Pearce - Lead
Rachel Cross - Receptionist
Carly Fraser - Receptionist
Sadie Boyce - Administration Assistant
Amanda Guy - PA to the Co-Heads
ICT Support Team:
Dan Kronbergs - Network & Digital Transformation Manager
Josh Fisher - Senior ICT Engineer
Samuel Buxey - ICT Engineer
Erica Court-Burnett - Digital Resource Technician
Rob Baker - Finance Officer
Facilities and lettings:
Ashley Boyce - Lettings Officer