School Council
Here at Springwell School we have an active school council of children who have volunteered to represent their fellow pupils. We have regular meetings to think about, discuss and vote on school issues, particularly ideas which affect our children directly.
At the beginning of each year the children reflect on how the meetings should be conducted and we decide upon our rules. This year we have decided that it is very important for us to listen to each other, to take turns to speak and to respect each others' opinions.
We conduct our meetings quite formally with an agenda and minutes which are displayed on our own notice board. We have learned how to vote on issues using symbols where necessary. The children have lots of ideas and are able to bring them openly to our meetings.
We have been involved in many decisions and activities at school and have had a great deal of fun and enjoyment. Here are some examples of things we have done:
- Road markings on the playground.
- New bikes and scooters for the playground.
- New toys for the playground.
- Ideas for Children in Need.
- Benches in the shade for the KS2 playground.
- Ideas for different foods for snack time.
- Gardening competition - our favourite vegetables.
- Sunflower growing competition was organised and judged by the school council.
- Quiet areas (time to be still), including benches, signs and planters were voted on, ordered and set up by the school council.
- School uniform sale to raise school funds. The children helped to sort, fold and display the items and made posters and price labels. Members also helped on the stall at the sale.
School Council Members 2024-25
School Council 24-25 (ID 1360)
Agendas and Meetings
Our School Council meetings are made as accessible and enjoyable as possible for our children using many of our communication strategies.
As part of our preparations we distribute an agenda to all the classes prior to the meetings so that staff have an opportunity to introduce ideas to their pupils and make them aware of what is going to be asked of them.
We plan to publish these agendas on this part of the school website, together with the subsequent minutes. This is will enable families and friends to know what is happening and to give them an opportunity to communicate about the issues at home if they wish to do so.
We greatly welcome your input and ideas and invite your feedback. Thank you for your support which is much appreciated.
School Council 24-25
Meeting 1 minutes Oct 24
download_for_offlineMeeting 1 minutes Oct 24
- Meeting 2 agenda Nov 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMeeting 2 agenda Nov 24
- Meeting 2 minutes Nov 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMeeting 2 minutes Nov 24
- Meeting 2 questions for pupils download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMeeting 2 questions for pupils
- Meeting 3 agenda Jan 25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMeeting 3 agenda Jan 25
Minutes & Agendas 23-24
- 1 Agenda 12 01 24
- 1 Minutes 12 01 24
- 1 Question living in Southampton 12 01 24
- 1 What do you like about Southampton 12 01 24
- 2 Agenda 01 03 24
- 2 Minutes 01 03 24
- 3 Agenda 03 05 24
- 3 Minutes 03 05 24
- 3 Quesitons about the woodland area
- 4 Agenda 05 06 24
- 4 Aided Language Board A day in the life
- 4 Minutes 05 06 24
- 4 What do we like or not like about school
Pupil Voice - Pupil Survey
School council will be actioning and discussing aspects of the survey.
pupil survey feedback 2023.pdf
- Meeting 2 agenda Nov 24 download_for_offline